Keywords Index

All issues
:: Academic adjustment Modeling the Relationships among Academic Identity, Psychological Sense of School Membership, and Teacher Support: The Mediating Role of Academic Adjustment in Academic Performance [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Academic adjustment The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Resilience by the Mediation of Students’ Academic Adjustment [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Academic performance The Mediating Role of Identity Styles in the Relationship Between Procrastination and Academic Performance in High School Boy Students [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Acute myocardial infarction Cardiac Function Modeling in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Based on Type D Personality Considering the Mediating Role of Health-Promoting Lifestyle [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Adolescents Comparing the Effectiveness of Reality Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Programs in Reducing High-Risk Sexual Behaviors among Adolescents [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Adolscent Estimation of Mental Disorders Prevalence in High School Students Using Small Area Methods: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Affect Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Matrix Training and tDCS Treatments on Positive and Negative Affects and Craving in Substance Abusers [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Alexithymia The Relationship Between Social Support and Internet Addiction in Nursing Students: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Althaea officinalis Acute/Chronic Pain Relief: Is Althaea officinalis Essential Oil Effective? [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Anastrozole The Role of Aromatase and Castration on Spatial Learning and Memory Changes by Nandrolone [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Antioxidants Anxiolytic Effect of Borago officinalis (Boraginaceae) Extract in Male Rats [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Anxiety The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Reality Therapy and Compassionate Focused Therapy On Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Physical Symptoms in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Anxiety The Predictive Model of Elderly Psychological Well-being Based on Personality With the Mediation of Self-care, Spiritual Experiences, and Death Anxiety [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Anxiety Interaction Between L-Type Calcium Channels and Antagonist of Cannabinoid System on Anxiety in Male Rat [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Apelin The Effect of Different Training Modes on Serum Apelin and Pain Threshold in Morphine-Dependent Rats [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Avoidance Learning Protective Effect of Vitamin E Against Lead-induced Memory and Learning Impairment in Male Rats [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Azad and Payame Noor University Study the Relationship Among Early Maladaptive Schemas, Alexithymia and Ego Defensive Styles of Students at Azad and Payame Noor Universities in Shahindej [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Basic needs of couples The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Marital Intimacy and Identification of the Basic Psychological Needs among Couples Referring to Counseling Centers [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Beck’s Cognitive Theory of Depression and Academic Achievement Study of Comparison Among Information Processing Theory, Interference Model of Test Anxiety and Beck’s Cognitive Theory of Depression with Regard to Their Relationship with Academic Achievement [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Behavioral activation treatment for depression (BATD) Comparative Effect of Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Matrix on the Depression of College Students [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Beliefs Is Web-Based Education Effective in Reducing Belief Toward Drug Abuse Among College Students? [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms Role of Perfectionism and Body Image in the Prediction of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Body Mass Index. Comparison of the Levels of Self-Control and Emotion Regulation Strategies among College Students with High and Normal Body Mass Index [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Borderline Personality Disorder Comparison of the Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Skills Training on Symptoms of Men Suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Comparing of Symptoms, Defense Mechanisms and Coping Styles in Women and Men With Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Brain Frequencies Pico-Tesla TMS Therapy on Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Breast Cancer The Relationship between Illness Perception and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation with the Mediating Role of Quality of Marital Life in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Breast cancer The Relationship between Psychological Hardiness and Social Support in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Burnout Mediating Role of Psychological Capital in Explaining the Relationship between Job Stressors and Burnout among Employees of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Cardiovascular diseases Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Therapy in Mental Health and Hopefulness Among Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Case Definition Issues in Estimating Rates of Pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in a Community-Based Sample [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Cataract Surgery Cognitive Consequences of Cataract Surgery: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Cell Death Acute and Chronic Effects of 3-4, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Pyramidal Cells of Hippocampus [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Central auditory processing disorder Auditory Training among Older Adults with Alzheimer Disease and Central Auditory Processing Disorder [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Children Comparing Mental Health of School-Age Children of Parents With/Without Bipolar Disorders: A Case Control Study [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Classification Classification of Mental Disorders Based on Temperament [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Clinical Symptoms. The Effect of Transcranial Brain Stimulation on the Clinical Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Closeness Child-Parent Relationships and Parents’ Preventive Behaviors Affecting the Onset of Substance Use in Children: My Family Study [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Cognition The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation, Resilience and Sleep Disorders in Predicting Suicidal Ideation of Addicts Under Treatment [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Cognition Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Education Based on Protection Motivation in Adherence to Treatment in Women With Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Cognition Effectiveness of Schema Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Components of Cognitive Emotion Regulation among Patients with Anxiety Disorder [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Cognitive Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Hypertension among Patients with Metabolic Syndrome [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: College Predictive Effects of Neuroticism and Emotional Intelligence on Bullying Behavior Among Male College Students [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Competitive athletes Relationship Between Intensity of Anger and its Expression in Competitive Athletes: Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Conflict. Comparison of the Effect of Imago Relationship Therapy and Feldman's Integrated Approach on Marital Commitment in Conflicting Couples [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Couples Prediction of Psychological Well-being Based on Marital Intimacy, Resilience, and Mental Health of Couples in Tehran [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Cross-sectional area of median nerve Use of Cross-Sectional Area of Median Nerve in Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Cultural competence Psychometric Analysis of the Cultural Competence Scale in Iranian Healthcare Providers [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: DMF index Poor Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Depression A Partial Examination of the Emotion Dysregulation Model of Distress Symptoms in an Iranian Community Sample [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Depression Comparison of the Effect of Schema Therapy and Cognitive Group Therapy on Depression in Women Engaging in High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Who Were Referred to Hamadan Health Center [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Depression Depression and Different Brain Areas: Neural Activity and Potential Mechanisms [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Depression disorder Role of Behavioral Activation and Inhibition Systems in Symptoms of Major Depression Disorder Regarding the Mediating Role of Cognitive Bias [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Divorced women The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Cognitive-Emotional Regulation, Resilience, and Self-control Strategies in Divorced Women [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Drug Therapy Efficacy of Medication and Nonmedication Methods on Working Memory of Children With Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Dyslexia The Effectiveness of Educational Package Based on Visual-Spatial Processing in Reading Performance of Dyslexic Students [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Eating behavior Effectiveness of an Intervention Protocol to Improve Disordered Eating Behavior and Body Image in the Treatment of Body Image Disturbance and Eating Behaviors among Women [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Ebola Neuropsychological Manifestation in Ebola: A Concern [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Educable mentally-retarded children Effectiveness of Storytelling on the Components of Communication Skills in Educable Mentally-retarded Children [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Educational motivation Structural Model of Academic Procrastination Based on Personality Traits by Educational Motivation in Secondary High School Students [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Emotion Physiological Response to Negative Emotions in Children with Anxiety Symptoms: Many Steps Still to be Taken [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Emotions Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Stress Management Training on Occupational Stress and Emotional Exhaustion [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Emotions Family conflict The Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-Based Couples Therapy on Marital Quality of Life and Emotion Regulation in Distressed Couples [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Employee Effectiveness of Group Counseling Based on Motivational Interviewing on Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Employees Effectiveness of Group Counseling Based On Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on Job Involvement of Employees of Islamic Azad University of Gorgan Branch [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Exam Anxiety Study of Meta-Cognitive Beliefs and Learning Methods and Their Relationship with Exam Anxiety in High School Students Bandar Abbas City, 2014 [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing Cognitive Group Therapy, Stress Management, and Desensitization Through Eye Movement Reprocessing in Reducing Depression Severity Among Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Factor Analysis Factor Analysis and Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of Savoring Belief Inventory (SBI) [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Factor analysis Psychometric Characteristics and Factor Analysis of the Persian Version of Couples Satisfaction Index [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Factor analysis The Reliability and Validity of the Persian Version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in Iranian People [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Feeding behavior Prediction Modeling of Eating Behavior based on Attachment Styles Mediated by Anxiety among Adolescent Girls [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Female Comparing Personality Disorders and Criminal Thinking Styles in Male and Female Prisoners Convicted of Violent Crimes [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Female adolescents The Effects of Positive Psychotherapy on Internet Addiction and Identity Crisis in Female Senior High School Students [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Flavonoids In Vivo Antinociceptive Effects of Persian Shallot (Alliumhirtifolium) in Male Rat [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Fluvoxamine Metacognitive Therapy, Neurofeedback and Treatment With Fluvoxamine on Cognitive Attentional Syndrome and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: GA and AA Genotype Assessment of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Gene and its Polymorphism Frequency in Patients With Bipolar Disorder in Hamadan [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: General health The Study of Psychological Characteristics, Body Image, Quality of Life, and General Health of Rhinoplasty Applicants [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Gifted Modeling Structural Relationships of Metacognitive States with Tendency to Virtual Networks through Mediating of Social Adjustment in Gifted Students [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Hamadan Avicenna Journal of Neuropsychophysiology [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Hamadan The Process of Substance Abuse Onset in Women: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hamadan, Western Iran [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Hamadan Frequency of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Among Relatives of MS Patients in Hamadan Society, Iran [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Hamadan Comparing Psychological Hardiness in People With and Without Substance Use Disorder in Hamadan City, Iran [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Health Wired for Healthy College: Electronic-Intervention for Addressing Substance Abuse Prevention [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Health Center The Effectiveness of Promoting Iranians’ Marital Quality Training Program in Marital Quality Among Couples Referring to Health Centers [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Health policy Necessity of Developing Psychological Interventions in the Management of Type II Diabetes and its Barriers: A Qualitative Study from the Perspective of Iranian Health Policymakers [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Hidden anxiety The Relationship Between Family Function, Perfectionism and Hidden Anxiety of Students [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Hippocampus Morphological Effects of Hydroalcoholic Zingiber Officinalis Extract in the Murine Hippocampus of Male Rat Offspring [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Infertility Effectiveness of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Existential Therapy on Self-Compassion and Existential Anxiety in Infertile Individuals [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Infertility. The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Structural Couple Therapy and Redecision Couple Therapy Method on the Reduction of Marital Conflicts in Infertile Couples [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Iran Motivations to Use Mobile Virtual Social Networks and Their Related Social Capital among College Students: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Kaempferol Effects of Intracerebroventricular Micro-injection of Kaempferol on Anxiety: Possible GABAergic Mechanism Involved [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Kermanshah Internalized AIDS-Related Stigma Experiences in West of Iran [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Logistic Regression Factors Affecting the Risk of Mental Disorders in Patients With Bipolar Disorder in the West of Iran [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Major thalassemia Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Distress Tolerance and Coping with the Child’s Illness in Parents of Children with Thalassemia Major [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Marital conflict Comparison the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Emotion Focused Couple Therapy on the Quality of Interpersonal Relationships among Couples with Marital Conflicts [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Marital satisfaction Clarifying Perceived Priorities of Reproductive Health Concerns in Diabetic Women [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Marriage Effectiveness of Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy in Marital Burnout, Marital Forgiveness, and Communication Styles of Couples Affected by Extramarital Relationships [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Marriage The Effect of Solution-Focused Couple Therapy on Communication Patterns and Flexibility in Divorce Applicant Couples [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Marriage Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in the Enhancement of Marital Satisfaction and Sexual Intimacy in Couples Referred to Counseling Centers [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Medical Association Between Cellphone Overuse and Depression Among Medical College Students in Hamadan, West of Iran [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Medical Improvement of Motivation and Learning Level in Neuroanatomy Among Hamadan Medical Students Using Human Brain Sections [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Medication adherence Comparison of the Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy and Attachment-Based Compassion Therapy on Blood Glucose Level and Medication Adherence in Diabetics [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Metacognitive therapy Comparing the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Metacognitive Therapy on Attachment Styles and Dimensions of Identity Transformation in Adolescents [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Metacognitive therapy Comparison of the Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy and Behavioral Activation on Depression in Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Methadone maintenance therapy Comparison of the Effectiveness of Existential Group Therapy with Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy on Increasing Life Satisfaction among the Methadone Maintenance Patients [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Methamphetamine The Effect of Matrix Method on Anxiety and Attitude Toward Methamphetamine and Crack Abuse in Males Referring to Addiction Treatment Centers in Tonkabon, Iran [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Mice Effects of Mallow, (Malva Sylvestris) Extract on Reducing Anxiety in Animal Model [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Pain Catastrophizing and Job Satisfaction of Employees with Migraine Headaches [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Monoamine oxidase Antidepressant-like Effects of Intra-cerebroventricular Microinjection of Kaempferol in Male Rats: Involvement of 5-HT2 Receptors [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Moral intelligence A Proposed Model to Investigate the Impact of Moral Intelligence and Early Maladaptive Schemas on Emotional Divorce Regarding the Mediating Role of Marital Burnout in Women Referring to Psychological Centers, Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Morphine Withdrawal Effects of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles on Depression- Like Behavior Induced by Naloxone and Morphine Withdrawal [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Multiple sclerosis Prediction of Psychological Well-Being based on Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation Strategies among Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Shiraz within 2018-19 [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Nanoparticles Effect of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles on Atropine-Induced Memory Impairment in Adult Male Mice [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Narcissistic personality disorder Prediction of depression with emotional intelligence and critical thinking in people with narcissistic personality disorder [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Near-death experiences Non-Ordinary Spiritual Experiences- some phenomena without a satisfactory explanation [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Negative and Positive Affect The Relationship Between Brain-Behavioral Systems and Negative and Positive Affect in Patients With Migraine [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Neuropsychiatric disorder A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of depression among breast cancer patients in Sub-Saharan Africa [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Neuropsychology Neurocognitive Profile of Children With Reading Disability in Kannada [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Neurosurgery Musical Hallucination in a Patient With Frontal Lobe Meningioma [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Ocimum basilicum Anxiolytic Effect of Ocimum basilicum Extract in Rats Tested by Elevated Plus-Maze Task [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Open-Heart Surgery Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Health Anxiety and Adherence to Treatment in Patients Undergoing Open-Heart Surgery [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Opiate Personality and Mental Disorders in Patients with Substance-Related Disorders Admitted to Addiction Clinics in Hamadan in 2014 [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Opportunities Telepsychiatry During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Overweight Effectiveness of Group Schema Therapy on Eating Attitude and Self-Regulation in Overweight Adolescent Females with Binge Eating Disorder [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Oxidative stress Protective Effect of Baclofen against Oxidative Stress in Dorsal Hippocampus of Rats with Morphine-Induced Ovarian Polycystic [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Panic A comparison between the Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and a Combination of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Medication in Patients With Improved Panic Attacks from the Covid-19 [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Parent-child relations The Effectiveness of Transactional Analysis on Parent-Child Relationship in Mothers of Children With Oppositional Defiant Disorder [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Parenting Comparison of Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Parenting Styles Based on Reality Therapy in Mothers’ Impulse Control, Flexibility, and Empathy [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Parkinson disease Cyclosomatostatin-Induced Catalepsy in the Aged Wistar Rats: Inhibition by Nicotine [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Parkinsonian Disorders Histamine Potentiates Cyclosomatostatin-Induced Catalepsy in Old Rats [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Parkinsonian disorders. Synergy of somatostatin – substance P receptors antagonists in the initiation of catalepsy in rats [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Impact of Depressed Mood as a Risk Factor on COVID-19 Disease Severity [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Patients Prediction of Resiliency on the Basis of Social Support in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Perceived stress Mediating Role of Anxiety in the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Marital Satisfaction among Married Students [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Persian Spelling Errors Made By Persian Children With Developmental Dyslexia [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Positive and negative emotions The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Marital Satisfaction With Mediating Positive and Negative Affects [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Premenstrual Syndrome The Effect of Relaxation and Positive Self-Talk on Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Premenstrual Syndrome. Role of Music Therapy in Reducing the Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Preschool The Relationship Between Receptive Language Development and Social Skills in 4-6 Years Old Children of Shahrebabak City, Iran [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Prevention Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Behavioral Disorders Among Primary School Students [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Prisoners The Effects of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Social Adjustment in Female Prisoners [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Pseudo-pattern Differentiation of Healthy Individuals from Those with Autism Spectrum Disorders using Information Graph of Complementary Opposites [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Psychological Capitals Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Psychological Capital and Emotional Expression Styles in Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Psychological characteristics Prevalence and Risk Factors of Domestic Violence in Primigravidae in Low Socio-Economic Areas of Hamedan, Iran [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Psychological distress Effectiveness of Schema Therapy in Psychological Distress, Body Image, and Eating Disorder Beliefs in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Psychological vulnerability Structural Equation Modeling in Explaining the Effect of Brain Behavioral System on the Psychological Vulnerability of Female Patients with Diabetes: The Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Emotions [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Psychological well-being Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Metacognitive Beliefs, Forgiveness, and Psychological Well-Being of Women Applying for Divorce [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Psychology An Overview of Artificial Intelligence Applications and Psychology [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Psychometrics Psychometric of Water Intake Questionnaire in Patients with Kidney Stones: Investigation of Socio-Cognitive Determinants [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Psychotherapeutics Gut-brain axis and alcohol dependence: Exploring the role of Psychobiotics in treatment [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Psychotherapy Comparing the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Solution-focused Brief Therapy on Pain Catastrophizing and Psychological Well-Being of Patients With Breast Cancer [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Psychotic symptoms Hallucination in Relation to Coronavirus Disease: A Case Report [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Qualitative Research Factors Related to Burglary From the Perspective of Burglars: A Qualitative Study [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Qualitative Research Murder and Motivation: A Qualitative Study [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Quality of Life Comparison of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy and Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy on Perfectionism and Quality of Life in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Quality of Life Differential Impact of Sociodemographic Variables on the Quality of Life of Menopausal Iranian Women [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Quality of life The Effectiveness of Positive Thinking Training on Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life in the Elderly [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Quality of life Investigating the Psychometric Properties of the Psychological Virtue of Courage Scale among University Students [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Rat Chronic Administration of Donepezil in Inhibitory and Spatial Learning and Memory in Male Rats [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Rat Differential Effects of Sildenafil (Viagra) on Processing Steps of Spatial Learning and Memory in Rat [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Rat Effect of Duloxetine Acute Treatment against 3, 4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Cognitive Impairment and Memory Deficiency in Male Rats [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Rat NeuN Expression Alterations in the Hippocampus Following Ecstasy Treatment [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Rat Anxiolytic Effects of Acute Injection of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Lettuce in the Elevated Plus-Maze Task in Rats [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Rats Effect of Lemon Verbena on Memory of Male Rats [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Rats Alpha-Pinene as the Main Component of Ducrosia anethifolia (Boiss) Essential Oil is Responsible for its Effect on Locomotor Activity in Rats [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Rats Effect of Amyloid β- Peptide on Passive Avoidance Learning in Rats: A Behavioral Study [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Rats The Antinociceptive Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Bryonia dioica in Male Rats [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Reaction time Emotional Valence and Body Representation: An Experiment on Embodied Cognition [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Reaction time Striatal Beat Frequency Model in Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence for the Role of Thalamus [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Reality Therapy Comparing the Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Reality Therapy on Improving Illness Perception in Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Resilience Effectiveness of Frederickson Positive Excitement Training on Resilience and Psychological Capital of Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Resilience Effects of Yalom Group therapy on the Resilience and Meaning in Life of the Nurses in Covid-19 Centers [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Resiliency-training Comparison of the Effectiveness of Resilience Training and Emotion Regulation on Psychological Well-being and Self-efficacy of Firefighters [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Responsibility Comparing the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Reality Therapy on Psychological Flexibility and Responsibility in Divorced Women [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Resveratrol Memory and Learning Improvement by Resveratrol and Probiotics via the ‎Gut-Brain Axis and Antioxidant Activity in Diabetic Rats [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Retirement Happiness and Its Related Factors among the Elderly in Hamadan (Iran): A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Review study A Review Study on Self-compassion and Its Place in Psychological Health [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Reward Chronic stress and its correlates among nurses: A case of Central Uganda [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Risky behaviors Comparing the Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Group Training and Emotion Regulation Skills in Externalizing Syndromes in Adolescents with a Tendency for Risky Behaviors [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Rumination Effectiveness of Internet Attachment-Based Compassion Therapy on Rumination and Fear of Coronavirus Disease in Elderly Women during Coronavirus Epidemics [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Rumination Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy and Quality of Life Therapy on Perfectionism and Rumination in Patients with Migraine [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Satisfaction Relationship of Forgiveness and Feeling of Loneliness with Attitudes toward Marital Infidelity Regarding the Moderating Role of Marital Satisfaction in Married Students [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Satisfaction The Effectiveness of Integrated Model of Self-regulation-attachment Couple Therapy on Dimensions of Marital Satisfaction of Insecure Couples [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Satisfied Marriage Effectiveness of Satisfactory Marriage Training Intervention in Marital Conflicts and Marital Disillusionment [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Schema therapy Comparing the Effectiveness of Treatment based on Acceptance and Commitment and Schema Therapy on Quality of Life and General Compliance in bese Women [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Screening Frequency of Undergoing Mammogram and Pap Test Among Healthcare Providers in Hospitals of Hamadan [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Seizure Development of the rapid electrical kindling by copper and stainless steel electrodes: A comparative evaluation [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Self Compassion The Moderating Role of Integrative Self-Knowledge and Self-Control in the Relationship Between Basic Psychological Needs and Self-Compassion [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Self-Efficacy Adjustment to Diabetes Among Diabetic Patients: The Roles of Social Support and Self-Efficacy [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Self-Esteem Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem in Bachelor Students of Nursing and Midwifery Schools in Hamadan [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Self-caree Evaluation of the Impact of Self-Efficacy-Based Training on Depression, Self-Care Behaviors, and Quality of Life in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Self-criticismcents. Predicting Self-Criticism and Cyberbullying -Victimization Based on Mindfulness in Adolescents of Zanjan in 2022 [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Self-efficacy Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Regulation, Communication Skills, Self-efficacy, and Parents’ Performance with Mediating Role of Avoidance Insecure Attachment Style for Presenting the Aggression Model in Teenagers [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Self-efficacy Comparing the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-based Therapy and Reality Therapy in Aggression, Psychological Flexibility, and Career Decision-Making Self Efficacy among Adolescents [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Self-esteem Comparison of the Effectiveness of Healthy Body Image Package (HBIP) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on Self-Esteem in 12 to 15-Year-Old Adolescents with Body Dissatisfaction [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Self-injurious behavior Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Emotion Reactivity Scale in Iranian Adolescents: Relation to Nonsuicidal Self-Injury [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Sensation-seeking Formulation of the Extramarital Relationships Model Based on Early Maladaptive Schemas Mediated by Sensation-seeking in Men [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Serotonin receptors Possible Involvement of Serotonergic Mechanism(s) in the Antinociceptive Effects of kaempferol [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Sex Development of an Iranian Sexual Satisfaction Model: A Qualitative Research [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Sexual Function Comparison of the Effectiveness of Training based on Choice Theory and Pilates Exercises on Sexual Function and General Health of Infertile Women [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Sexual behavior Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Sexual Self-Efficacy and Marital Satisfaction among Couples with Marital Conflicts [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Sexual schemas Compilation of a Structural Model of Body Image Based on the Attitude towards Eating with the Mediation of Dysfunctional Beliefs in People with Body Deformity Disorder Referring to Beauty Clinics [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Short version Psychometric Properties of Short Version of Qualitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers in a Sample of Iranian Toddlers: A Brief Report [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Sleep Mediating Role of Emotional Processing Styles in the Relationship Between Lateral Superiority, Circadian Rhythm, and Sleep Quality with Attentional Function [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Sleep quality Relationship of Quarantine Caused by Coronavirus with Sleep Quality, Irritability, and Self-esteem of Primary School Students in District one of Karaj, Iran [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Social Cognition Neurophysiology of Social Conduct and Impact of Adverse Exposures [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Social anxiety Cognitive Flexibility of Smokers in the Context of Social Anxiety [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Social capital Relationship Between Social Capital and Life Quality of Female Patients with High Blood Pressure in Health Centers of Khalkhal in Iran [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Social health Relationship between Multimorbidity and Cognitive Decline Moderated by Social Health [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Social responsibility Comparing the Effect of Spiritual Intelligence and Personal Intelligence Training on Compatibility, Accountability, and Legitimacy in 14-16-year-old Students [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Social work Role of Intelligence, Creativity, and Personality Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Social Workers in Empowering Female Household Heads [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Software cognitive empowerment Effectiveness of Software Cognitive Empowerment Training and Perceptual-Motor Skills Reconstruction Program Training on Social Interest and Emotional Self-Regulation [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Spouses Effectiveness of Integrated Model of Emotionally-Focused Therapy and Gottman's Model in Internal Cohesion and Reduction of Controlling Behaviors in Couples Faced with Marital Infidelity [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Stanozolol Effect of Resistance Training and Tribulus Terrestris Consumption on Avoidance and Working Memory in Rats Exposed to Stanozolol [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Structural The Role of Early Maladaptive Schema and Perfectionism on Body Dysmorphic Disorder Mediating Through Thought Fusion, Meta-worry, Anxiety, and Attributional Style: A Structural Model [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Structural equation modeling Psychological and Behavioral Factors Associated with Academic Performance in Overweight and Obese High School Female Students: A Structural Equation Model [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Student Relationship between Social Support, Problem-Solving Skills, and Resilience with Hardiness among First-Grade High School Students in Sari [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Students Investigation of Risky Behavior Among Iranian Medical Students Based on Demographic Characteristics [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Students A Comparison of Rational-Emotional Approach and Strict Discipline Efficiency on Rational, Emotional, and Behavioral Skills among High School Students [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Students Comparing the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Reality Therapy on Parent-Child Relationship [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Students Structural Equation Modeling of Influential Factors on Academic Well-being of Students in Islamic Azad University-Kerman [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Students The Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on the Addiction-Prone Male Junior High School Students [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Students Factors Associated With Tobacco Smoking Among Male Adolescents: the Role of Psychologic, Behavioral, and Demographic Risk Factors [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Students Comparison of the Effectiveness of Training Problem-Solving Skills Based on Gestalt and Bandura Theories on Problem-Solving Styles among High School Students [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Students The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Quality of Life and Psychosocial Flexibility of Female Junior High School Students With Special Learning Disorders in Sari [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Students Predicting Mindfulness Based on Emotional Regulation and Anxiety Among High School Students in Rasht City, Iran [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Students Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Anxiety Reduction as well as Improvement of Life Quality and Perceived Academic Control of Students [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Substance abuse Prevalence of Substance Abuse Among High School Students in Hamedan, Iran in 2015 [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Substance-Related Disorders Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Drug (Traditional and Industrial) Addicted and Nonaddicted Individuals in Hamadan, Iran [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Substance-related disorders The Effectiveness of Group Schema Therapy on Adjusting the Early Maladaptive Schemas of the Drug-Dependent Women [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Suicidal ideation Comparison of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Reality Therapy in Suicidal Ideation, Self-Harming Behaviors, and Aggression in Adolescents [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Suicidal ideations Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Body Image Anxiety and Suicidal Ideation of Adolescent Girls with Body Dysmorphic Disorder [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Suicide Effectiveness of Choice Theory Training on Suicidal Tendency [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Survivors Mediating Role of Social Support in the relationship of Distress Tolerance and Emotional Self-Regulation with Depression in the Survivors of Kermanshah Earthquake [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Suryanamaskar Impact of Suryanamaskar Training on Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Cognitive Functions among Medical Students [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Swimming Protective effect of swimming and genistein on the expression of microRNA 132, insulin growth factor 1, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor genes, as well as spatial memory, in the hippocampus of diabetic ovariectomized rats [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Task Self-Efficacy Prediction of Mathematical Anxiety Based on Meta-Cognitive Beliefs and Mathematical Self-Efficacy in Female High School Students [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Therapeutic hope Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Hope Therapy Based on Positive Psychology in the Promotion of Psychological Well-being and Mental Health in Medical Staff during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Thought emotion Comparing the Effects of Creativity Therapy and Group Counseling Based on Choice Theory on Students’ Exile Feeling and Thought Emotion [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Training Neurocognitive Stimulation of Moroccan Bilingual Patient with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Case Study [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Traits Prediction of Dark Personality Traits and Self-Destruction Based on Emotion Regulation among Adolescent Females [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Tramadol Prevalence and Factors Associated With Tramadol Abuse Among College Students in West of Iran: an Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Transactional analysis approach Effect of Transactional Analysis Approach Group Training on Psychological Capitals and the Temptation of Methadone-Treated Addicts [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Transcranial direct current stimulation Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Food Craving, Attention Bias to Food, and Cognitive Flexibility in People with Binge Eating Disorder [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Traumatic experience Borderline Personality Traits: The Roles of Childhood Teasing and Traumatic Experiences [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Type 2 diabetes The Effectiveness of Training Based on Positive Psychology on the Quality of Life of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Type 2 diabetes The Effects of Transactional Analysis on Couple Burnout in Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Type 2 diabetes Effectiveness of Solution-Based Therapy on Self-Compassion and Reducing Blood Glucose in Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Unani. Internet Addiction and its Relationship with the Need for Cognition among Law and Unani Medical Students in Calicut, India [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Unhealthy behaviors Modeling psychosocial factors affecting the severity of coronary heart disease: the mediating role of physiological responses and health-related behaviors [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Urtica dioica Effects of Acute Administration of Urtica dioica on the Novel Object-Recognition Task in Mice [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Vaccines Use of the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation Behaviour Model to Predict COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Validity Validity and Reliability Assessment of the Persian Version of the Dream Sharing Questionnaire [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Validity Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Perth Emotional Regulation Competency Inventory [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Validity Validity and Reliability of Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Psychometric Study in Iran [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Visual deprivation Effect of Visual Experience on Spatial Learning of Rats [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Visual impairment Prevalence of Ocular Disorders in Children with Intellectual Disability in Special Schools of Hamadan, Iran, 2017-2018 [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Vomiting Effect of Pre-and Intraoperative Anxiety on Nausea and Vomiting during Spinal Anaesthesia in Cesarean Section Patients in a Hospital in Hamadan, Iran, in 2016 [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Washington university sentence completion Test Standardization and Study of Some Psychometric Properties of the Washington University Sentence Completion Test (Long-form) among the Iranian Students [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Weight loss Comparison of the Effectiveness of Schema Therapy and Behavioral Model-Based Diet Therapy on Emotional Adjustment, Body Image, and Weight Loss among Obese Individuals with Nervous Overweight [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Wisdom Evaluate the efficiency of life skills training, utilizing the probe technique, to enhance social tolerance, wisdom, and emotion regulation among adolescent male students attending junior high school [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Women Prediction of Female Sexual Dysfunction Based on Perceived Stress and Body Dysmorphic Disorder [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Women Depression Prevalence and Underlying Risk Factors in the Elderly of Hamadan, Iran [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Women Role of Spiritual Intelligence and Positive Thinking in the Prediction of Psychological Hardiness in Women Recovered from Addiction [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Women heads of households The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Learning Programs on psychological capital and psychological well-being of the female head of Household [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Working memory Deep Learning-Based Approach for Classification Of Mental Tasks From Electroencephalogram Signals [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Workload Attitude Modeling, Job Similarity and Information Structure in Faculty Members [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Young Adults Marijuana Motivation Measure: Exploratory Factor Analysis among Iranian Young Adults [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: catalepsy Induction of catalepsy in rats by NK1 receptor antagonist and early-life maternal separation synergistically: the involvement of CRF1 receptors [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: children Violence Against Children and Strategies for Ending of This Phenomenon [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: cognitive functions Effectiveness of Brainwave Synchronization in Alpha, Beta, and Theta Bands by Binaural Beats on Visuospatial Working Memory [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: memory. The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy on Cognitive Functions (Working Memory, Concentration, and Attention) of Adolescents Living in Boarding Schools [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: parents - Adolescents Presenting a Causal Model for Depression in Adolescents Based on the Relationship Between Parenting Styles Through the Mediating Role of Parent-Adolescence Conflict [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: self-evaluation Effectiveness of Transactional Analysis Training on Self-Efficacy and Self-Evaluation among Individuals Referring to Pendar Transactional Analysis Training Center [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: sexual harassment Prognosis of Codependency based on Types of Abuses in the Female Primary School Teachers in Ghaemshahr City [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: stuttering adults Effectiveness of Mind Simulation on Psychological Symptoms and Mental Capabilities in Adults who Stutter [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: urology Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in multiple sclerosis patients: A cross-sectional study [Volume 9, Number 2]

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