Aims & Scopes

 | Post date: 2018/06/27 | 

Avicenna Journal of Neuropsychophysiology (AJNPP) is an official peer-reviewed scientific journal of Neurophysiology Research Center & Research Center for Behavioral Disorders and Substance Abuse, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. This journal accepts submissions presented in different forms of articles (As mentioned in Authors Guide) in the field of neuroscience focusing on physiology, psychology, and psychiatry using human or animal models as follows:

Aging Sexual behavior
Anxiety and Stress Sleep
Child / Geriatric Psychiatry Substance abuse, dependence, addiction
Cognition Suicide and Self-Harm
Depression Traumatic Brain Injury
Integrated Care Models Clinical Psychology
Learning and Memory, Dementia, Alzheimer Psychiatry
Movement disorders Anatomical Sciences
Personality disorders Health Education and Promotion
Schizophrenia Mother and child health
Seizure and convulsion Sensation and perception

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